CompactCalendarView icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
CompactCalendarView copied to clipboard

An android library which provides a compact calendar view much like the one used in google calenders.

Results 105 CompactCalendarView issues
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![screenshot_2017-10-11-17-07-26]( Hi @SundeepK , Is it possible to change the color of Day name in week(Mon,Tue,Wed,Thr,Fri,Sat,Sun)?


when using DayNight theme , the color of text on dark theme is a little too grey, instead of a more whiteish grey so I'd like to set the text...

Can i set max and min date?? I want to set calendar for a particular range of dates.

In my app I needed to create an event on long press of a day. I implemented a long press listener very easily since I didn't to much more than...

I want to highlight an event by changing the background color of that date, instead of dots. Please help.

I tried with this but without success.. List events = compactCalendarView.getEvents(dateClicked); events.remove(dateClicked);

It's really nice library and helpful. but i did not find a solution to change color of that dates who's have events..i tried to achieve this using currentselecteddaytextcolor,but that did...

For a event with style fill_large_indicator, how can we add a custom text color other than the selected and default text color for the calendar?

Hi, I need to update one specific event color or date, but its properties can not be modified. I want this: ``` var event = Event(Color.RED, dateClicked.time) if(filtradosEntradas?.size > 0...

Would be the best one, If you could add date range selection too.
