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CompactCalendarView copied to clipboard

An android library which provides a compact calendar view much like the one used in google calenders.

Results 105 CompactCalendarView issues
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How to avoid user selecting the future date's, like in traditional android calendar provides setMax / Min dates.


Hi, Is there any way where we can set color description bar below calendar to explain that which color is used for which event? Ex: - ![image](

Hi all, is it possible to select more than one day into calendar view, i tried using setCurrentDate() method in a loop but it display only last element and loose...

I want to disable dates lower than current date any tips?


I wanna use another fonts How to use?

My issue is the same as mention here Using buttons instead of horizontal scrolling #8. I am using compactCalendarView.showNextMonth() but it is not resolving. I want to show next and...

Hello, when I call setCurrentDate, the event onDayClick is not being triggered. I need a way to simulate a user day clicking programmatically to show day events after month scroll...

Hello, first thing first : very good job on that library, it's efficient and very easy to use. I have an app that require two things, and i am not...

I'm having trouble selecting day after the current day. For example: 04/26/2017, I can select, but the next day, 04/27/2017, I can not. I'll only be able to select 3...

This is Best library.. Maybe you want to upgrade to a AndroidX 👍