CompactCalendarView icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
CompactCalendarView copied to clipboard

An android library which provides a compact calendar view much like the one used in google calenders.

Results 105 CompactCalendarView issues
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i want to set different events with different date text me for this problem.

Hello sandeep, i had change all from this library.. but i have not find a solution to change color of that dates who's have events.. can it's possible to change...

Considering that the calendar has room to draw up to three events for each day I would like to suggest the following pull request: - if eventList.size() == 3 then...

only experience August/ Nov/ Feb calendar truncated in Android 8.1 and 9.0 ![WhatsApp Image 2019-07-30 at 10 18 53 AM](

hello, i want to show month with complete string not as '3' character, so how can i achieve this?? Mar-2018 convert March-2017

help wanted

Event dot not showing for the current date only other dates dots are showing properly and how to disable select date and disable current date background

It's nice libe,but i want to know there is a way to not to show current day selected.I am using currentday background color but in case of event on current...

I added an event `new Event(Color.RED,1557826160,"test1");attendanceCalendar.addEvent(event1);`. But calendar doesn't show the events. I can get the event data by calling method attendanceCalendar.getEvents(date).get(0).getData() I am using com.github.sundeepk:compact-calendar-view:1.9.1

how do I change text style of calendar