CompactCalendarView icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
CompactCalendarView copied to clipboard

An android library which provides a compact calendar view much like the one used in google calenders.

Results 105 CompactCalendarView issues
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I want to display months on vertical scrolling. Is there any attribute to achieve this ? If not how can I make it display on vertical scrolling.

Hello, i have a problem, i've implemented the Compact calendar sucessfully on my environment. On the emulator, it works great, with events. but on my device event doesn't appears but...

Is it possible change background color of abbreviation?

Is there any chance, to set listeners for left and right swipe ( to previous and next month) in calendar?

please add Arabic numbers as the month days numbers, the month days numbers are displayed in english even though the Locale is Arabic

It is possible to jump to today's date or go to specific date (e.g by click of a button)?

How i can create custom adapter for you library?

Can i set circle background for events ? I want to set circle background instead of dot (event indicator style).

Is there is any way that we can set min date to the calendar. i.e Previous days could be disabled and greyed out? also we can disable/greyed out the specific...