CompactCalendarView icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
CompactCalendarView copied to clipboard

An android library which provides a compact calendar view much like the one used in google calenders.

Results 105 CompactCalendarView issues
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Im using drop down to select the month and year ,after clicking of the month i have to set the compact calendar for that month. just tell me how to...

Hi, what you think about show events at days from another month, example : ![image]( ![image]( show the event of may 30th, when i look to june


Hello, I need calendar view vertically scroll, its not available in current repo, i try multiple solution but didnt found solution.

help wanted

Sir, I need your help to show the dot indicator at top of the date. is this possible? Please help me Thanks

help wanted

I am developing an app with arabic support. When I change the locale, i can see the days in arabic language ,however the dates still appear from left to right....


I've integrated your wonderfull calendar widget today and it works like a charm. Thanks for that, can I donate some euros to you via PayPal or such? I embedded the...


Hey, i wonder if you can Add Hebrew and Arabic for Locale languages options?

should be able to set min date and max date , so that only dates in between them(including both dates) cab be selected .

Hello I made a minor change, that basically makes it possible to use a different colored non-filled circle if more events exist on a particular day, and the calendar use...

Hello Sir, i have try first time default date get in code but you library not provide any method reading get current date without click Listener please tell me how...

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