CompactCalendarView icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
CompactCalendarView copied to clipboard

An android library which provides a compact calendar view much like the one used in google calenders.

Results 105 CompactCalendarView issues
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So, here is how to add events by the easiest way, FloatingActionButton (fab) that opens a Alert Dialog. Type some text and press "yes" or cancel. 1. Clone project 2....

Can you please add an option to have only one dot indicator for multiple events in same date? I've seen many people asking for this. Thanks in advance! Great library!

@SundeepK I want to display single dot when multiple events are in same date. I have tried many solution but no result. can you please help me for the same....

Unlike in the readme screen, sample ran on device displays calendar days first letter in lowercase

I saw in this issue that setCurrentSelectedDayBackgroundColor works with the Color class (Color.BLUE for instance) but when I try using a custom color I defined in colors.xml it doesn't...

Only the 1st day of January can be marked with an event. All other first days of the month can't be marked with events, it only appears on exit of...

Hi, I was wondering if there is a way to change the color of the days?

Hi how can I replace the dots. And populate the day with all my events like the google calendar

I have two Fragments. One adds the event to the Calendar. I have verified that it gets added by immediately getting it back by date. Other fragment is a CompactCalendarView...