CompactCalendarView icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
CompactCalendarView copied to clipboard

An android library which provides a compact calendar view much like the one used in google calenders.

Results 105 CompactCalendarView issues
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Hi Sandeep, I am Using your calender library ,It is very useful to me. I have to show different events on one date with three different dots and different colors....

I got data stored in Firebase with timeinmillis and a message. How can I add these events into CompactCalendar?

@SundeepK ,this is awesome library i just added your dependency.i cant add a new event , add event method got deprecated. how to change event add based on the...

Hi, I need to apply fonts, animation when scrolling , i need padding options and also add background image into events date in CompactCalendarView? please help to save my day.

@SundeepK i can remove the background but i want to make the current date text color change and style. In controller, i saw currentDayTextColor, but i want to check if...

When i open my activity today's date is selected by default. i want to show today's date same like all other normal dates. how can i remove that and display...

How i can show the 2 different color of dots on one event this time library shows the 2 green dots( or what ever color we set ) with +dot...

I want to hide the calendar by default. and open and close programmatically. can you please suggest.