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A robust UAV local planner based on the ICRA2020 paper: Robust Real-time UAV Replanning Using Guided Gradient-based Optimization and Topological Paths


TopoTraj is a robust planner for quadrotor trajectory replanning. It can support aggressive autonomous flight even in unknown cluttered environments. The key feature of the planner is that it searches for topologically distinctive trajectories, exploring the solution space more thoroughly.

The source code is now available! We integrate it into the Fast-Planner.

Authors: Boyu Zhou, Fei Gao and Shaojie Shen from the HUKST Aerial Robotics Group.


Complete video is here.

Related Paper:

  title={Robust Real-time UAV Replanning Using Guided Gradient-based Optimization and Topological Paths},
  author={Zhou, Boyu and Gao, Fei and Pan, Jie and Shen, Shaojie},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:1912.12644},