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Autonomous Mobile Robots
Course Structure :space_invader:
Section 0 :alien:
- Introduction :books:
Section 1 (Control) :alien:
- Motion Control :books:
- Kinematics of wheeled mobile robots: internal, external, direct, and inverse
- Differential drive kinematics
- Bicycle drive kinematics
- Rear-wheel bicycle drive kinematics
- Car(Ackermann) drive kinematics
- Wheel kinematics constraints: rolling contact and lateral slippage
- Wheeled Mobile System Control: pose and orientation
- Control to reference pose
- Control to reference pose via an intermediate point
- Control to reference pose via an intermediate direction
- Control by a straight line and a circular arc
- Reference path control
- Lateral control (Geometric controls)
- The pure pursuit (or pure tracking controller)
- Stanley controller
- Dubins path planning :books:
- Motion Control :books:
Section 2 (Estimation) :alien:
Bayesian Filter :books:
- Basic of Probability
- Probabilistic Generative Laws
- Estimation from Measurements
- Estimation from Measurements and Controls
Kalman filter :books:
- Gaussian Distribution
- One Dimensional Kalman Filter
- Multivariate Density Function
- Marginal Density Function
- Multivariate Normal Function
- Two Dimensional Gaussian
- Multiple Random Variable
- Multidimensional Kalman Filter
- Sensor Fusion
- Linearization, Taylor Series Expansion, Linear Systems
- Extended Kalman Filter (EKF)
- Comparison between KF and EKF
Particle Filter :books:
- A Taxonomy of Particle Filter
- Bayesian Filter
- Monte Carlo Integration (MCI)
- Particle Filter
- Importance Sampling
- Particle Filter Algorithm
Robot localization :books:
- A Taxonomy of Localization Problems
- Markov localization
- Environment Sensing
- Motion in the Environment
- Localization in the Environment
- EKF localization with known correspondence
- Particle filter localization with known correspondence
Robot mapping :books:
- Ray casting and ray tracing
- Ray-casting algorithm
- Winding number algorithm
- TODO (more to come)
Robot simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) :books:
- Introduction
- TODO (more to come)
Section 3 (Perception) :alien:
- Line Extraction Techniques :books:
- Hough Transformation
- Split-and-Merge Algorithm
- Line Regression Algorithm/li>
- Similarity Measurements :books:
- Edge Detection (based on derivative and gradient)
- Corner Detection
- The Laplace Operator
- Laplacian of Gaussian (LoG)
- Difference of Gaussian (DoG)
- Gaussian and Laplacian Pyramids
- Scale Invariant Feature Transform (SIFT)
- Scale-space Extrema Detection
- Keypoint Localization
- Orientation Assignment
- Keypoint Descriptor
- Line Extraction Techniques :books:
Monocular Vision :books:
- Pinhole Camera Model
- Image Plane, Camera Plane, Projection Matrix
- Projective transformation
- Finding Projection Matrix using Direct Linear Transform (DLT)
- Camera Calibration
Stereo Vision :books:
- Simple Stereo, General Stereo
- Some homogeneous properties
- Epipolar Geometry
- Essential matrix, Fundamental matrix
- Camera Calibration
- Depth Estimation
References [:books:]
- Robert Grover Brown, Patrick YC Hwang, et al. Introduction to random signals and applied Kalman filtering, volume 3. Wiley New York, 1992.
- Gregor Klancar, Andrej Zdesar, Saso Blazic, and Igor Skrjanc. Wheeled mobile robotics: from fundamentals towards autonomous systems. Butterworth-Heinemann, 2017.
- Roland Siegwart, Illah Reza Nourbakhsh, and Davide Scaramuzza. Introduction to autonomous mobile robots. MIT press, 2011.
- Sebastian Thrun. Probabilistic robotics. Communications of the ACM, 45(3):52–57, 2002.