Vitaliy Potapov

Results 102 comments of Vitaliy Potapov

It seems this is a restriction of Google translation API itself. Could you try splitting text by chunks as suggested in

@Songkeys I think we can only check differences on practice. As I didn't find any docs on this RPC API and current implementation was reverse engIneered in [this article]( Anyway,...

@saiKumarGanji I agree about blogposts but I found several links to projects/sdk/videos that are in English. for example this one: > * [Create your own crypto-currency]( 来自以太坊官方的代币创建教程 It would be...

> We can probably keep it simple and not render attachments that start with "_". You'll use the attachments in the form of _bddData_name. Open to a PR. I'm not...

@pavelfeldman Another option I've just discovered - [testProject.metadata]( This is exactly what I need, but on the project level. I can use it in the runtime: ```ts testInfo.project.metadata[testInfo.testId] = {...

Hi @coltongit ! Could show a code how it can be used in translating text?

Hi! Good point. Could you create pull request for that?

> В репозитории salutejs есть пример echo, который имитирует ровно это поведение. Посмотрите, пожалуйста. Да, это я видел: Вот мое предложение как раз получать такой же результат, только без...

> In progress 😉 Антон, привет! А нет ли примерных сроков, когда планируете это выкатить? @awinogradov