Vitaliy Potapov

Results 102 comments of Vitaliy Potapov

I've checked: - `pm2 start app.mjs` - ok (package.type missing) - `pm2 start app.js` - ok (package.type = 'module') - `pm2 start src/app.mjs` - ok (package.type missing) - `pm2 start...

@jamiebuilds I agree with you in common. But your examples seems to be written in favour of non-grouped tests. I think both approaches have own props and cons. In grouped...

> А вот про табики идея мне нравится к слову просто напомню, что в неактивных табах Хром очень значительно замедляет js.

There are two more tools I found: * [Magellan]( * [Chimp](

@117 Maybe the reason is that `dist/cjs/*.cjs` files are looking for typings in `@types/*.d.cts` files (not in `@types/*.d.ts`)? One idea is instead of renaming `dist/cjs/*.js` -> `dist/cjs/*.cjs` generate simple `package.json`...

@117 does not compile for me :( **npx tsc** ``` node_modules/@master-chief/alpaca/dist/cjs/index.d.cts:10:353 - error TS2307: Cannot find module './entities' or its corresponding type declarations. 10 export { Account, Order, OrderCancelation, Position,...

Hi @117! Any update on this issue? =)