Vitaliy Potapov

Results 102 comments of Vitaliy Potapov

Have a look on [remote-browser](

Currently, `xpath` strategy is not supported by autotester's driver. Will try to find time for it.

I think `executeScript` + [`document.evaluate`]( should do the job! Let me know if it does not.

Hey @vedvasa ! Did you try this? ```js driver.executeScript(function () { return document.evaluate("/html/body//h2", document, null, XPathResult.ANY_TYPE, null); }); ```

@xyngfei ```js'should append query to title', function() { driver.get(''); driver.executeScript(function () { return document.evaluate('//input[@name="q"]', document, null, XPathResult.ANY_TYPE, null).iterateNext(); }).then(function (element) { return element.sendKeys('kitten'); }); driver.sleep(1000); driver.executeScript(function () { return...

Пока сроков нет. Тут нужно сначала проверить принципиальную возможность запустить webdriverio в браузерном окружении. Он там, по моему, много чего из Node.js использует. А расскажите про ваш кейс: сейчас уже...

Hi @jt3k ! Could you make a list which examples will be most useful?

Thank you @jt3k ! Will start from these cases.

hi Aleksey! I also thought about it. But there is a restriction in Chrome that only one debugger can be attached to the page: So if we open devtools...

Hi @kuzroman for conveniency we export to global context some modules from `selenium-webdriver` but not all. I think I will export `promise` also. Currently workaround can be using `webdriver.promise` as...