Vitaliy Potapov

Results 102 comments of Vitaliy Potapov

@hua1995116 Could you point how you get token fo batch translation?

I'm maintaining a fork of this repo: Currently it will not work in React native out of box but technically it is possible. At first glance the only thing...

This library does not work in web page context. See:

@qwtao Have you used `tld: 'cn'` option?

Released yesterday [@vitalets/google-translate-api]( where with help of @coltongit we can use custom `tld` for google translate host: ```js const translate = require('@vitalets/google-translate-api'); translate('Ik spreek Engels', {to: 'en', tld: 'cn'}).then(res =>...

> I just did 'npm install translatte' and tried your example. Do I need to do anything else? It seems you are using older version of node.js than required for...

Try [this solution]( from another issue. Maybe the reason of BAD_REQUEST is the same.

Also waiting to get it merged.

This feature is implemented here:

Ух, какое у них интересное ограничение! Для облачных функций этот cleanupService вообще можно убрать, он больше нужен для постоянно живущих серверов, чтобы память не росла. Сейчас самое простое решение -...