Vitaliy Potapov

Results 102 comments of Vitaliy Potapov

Good proposal. What do you think we should do for expressions with percentage like `width: '100% - 20'`? it seems such code should throw error as in new implementation it...

Here are possible solutions:

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hi @amarchen ! thanks for your ideas! I believe that while having percentage values and media-queries supported, the library should keep this values in sync with screen size itself. So...

Hi @sampurcell93 trying to find time to finalize that. But still it is not ready to be published.

@Zyphrax I'll repost here my answer from pr: > I've pushed my drafts on this feature to separate branch orientation-support, lets move our work there. > > I suggest creating...

hi @tuckerconnelly could you share with us which approach you are using to detect orientation change?

@jimthedev thanks for sharing! Actually as I see you are using subscription on `onLayout` event. > A user MUST bind this function explicitly as an onLayout

I agree with you and moreover I think developer should not care about passing orientation fn to EStyleSheet. It should be detected inside lib as well as media queries in...

@mehcode thanks for sharing the idea! Do you have different layouts on different orientations or you always only stretch?