Teun van den Brand

Results 172 issues of Teun van den Brand

This PR aims to fix #3445. It simply adds a line to the function option for breaks that position scales get expanded limits. Since discrete scales document their own `breaks`...

This PR aims to fix #3181. Briefly, it comments out various options of providing the function to `geom_function()`. I didn't find the duplicated examples for facets mentioned in #3181, so...

This PR aims to fix #2865. Rendered examples: ``` r library(ggplot2) p ``` r # Include 0 in the range to make data invisible p + scale_alpha(range = c(0, 1))...


This PR aims to fix #4770, fix #5040 and fix #4606. Briefly, it does the following things: * It makes 3 standalone documented topics for the layer `geom`, layer `stat`...


This PR aims to fix #5670. Briefly, this PR replaces a `tryCatch()` with a `try_fetch()`. `try_fetch()` is better at catching errors that are inherited. When facet expressions include a function...

This PR aims to fix #5665. Briefly, when histogram `breaks` are short and contain non-finite values, the median difference between breaks can become `Inf`. In this PR, we only use...

This PR aims to fix #3171. Briefly, it adds a `sec.axis` option for `scale_{x/y}_discrete()`. For context: The secondary axis system is not ideal. We have tried to move that functionality...

Some line geoms, like `geom_segment()` and `geom_curve()` have an `arrow.fill` argument. ``` r library(ggplot2) names(formals(geom_segment)) #> [1] "mapping" "data" "stat" "position" "..." #> [6] "arrow" "arrow.fill" "lineend" "linejoin" "na.rm" #>...

layers :chart_with_upwards_trend:

This PR aims to fix #5641. Briefly, the way bounded densities were estimated may result in discontinuities due to incomplete estimation of the tails. As densities are 'mirrored' across finite...

Similar to how `theme(line)` is the root element for all other line elements, we might make `spacing` and `margin` root elements that all other spacings/margins inherit from. I think this...

themes :dancer: