Teun van den Brand

Results 179 issues of Teun van den Brand

This is a WIP PR addressing #3329. Since the aim is a substantial overhaul of the guide system, it would be good to gather some feedback along the way. I...

While I was trying to making a variant of `guide_axis()` that displays tick marks at minor breaks (see for example [SO](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/61087231/ggplot2-add-minor-tick-marks-outside-plotting-area-without-turning-clip-off/)), I stumbled on a possible bug in `coord_trans()` and...

coord :world_map:
guides :straight_ruler:

Hello there, I apologise in advance if I submit issues too frequently; I do really appreciate all the good work you put into ggplot2. By default, a legend appears to...

guides :straight_ruler:

This PR aims to implement drawing axes at interior facets proposed in #4064. It implements this for `facet_wrap()` as well as for `facet_grid()`. While the changes for `facet_wrap()` are quite...

Hi there, I was trying to make an upset plot when I noticed that the axis inherits the aspect ratio from the global theme in a weird way, reprex below:...

Basically to have a GRanges object (chromsome:start-end parametrisation) as the position on the x- or y-axis and have a coord_* function reflect this. The struggle at the moment is to...


In an effort to make Hi-C matrix plotting more flexible, the following might be neat. - [ ] Write new, general Hi-C matrix function #23 - [ ] Reshape the...


The 45 degree angle rotation could be a position function. Could add options such as `clip = c("lower", "upper", "neither")` or `sawtooth = FALSE`. Should convert raster-like data to polygon...


To add bigwig tracks, bed annotation, position annotation and whatnot. Should by default reverse the y-axis of the Hi-C layer.


It should take up to two experiments and a GRanges region as input. Would output a matrix or polygon, depending on the parameters. Ideally, there would be a plot-wide setting...
