Teun van den Brand

Results 172 issues of Teun van den Brand

This PR aims to fix #3738. In short, it adds a `midpoint` argument to `scale_{fill/colour}_gradientn()` and `scale_{fill/colour}_stepsn()` functions. The approach somewhat diverges from the `gradient2`/`steps2` variant, which will not accept...

This issue separates out a discussion about (re)naming gradient scales from #3738. To briefly recap, having sequential or diverging continuous scales is conceptually an important difference. The current naming of...

scales :snake:

This PR aims to fix #5818. Briefly, when a geom uses >1 position aesethetic, e.g. `xmin` and `xmax` instead of just `x`, jitters were applied independently to each of the...

This PR aims to fix #4852. Briefly, `draw_key_polygon()` used to cap the `linewidth` aesthetic to some portion of the key size. Now that we can let the grobs contribute to...

This PR aims to fix #5813. Briefly, it does as the title indicates in the `?aes_position` documentation. If there is a better wording for this, I'll be glad to adapt...

This issue is a proposal to include a little bit more details on how the `x` and `width` pairs and `y` and `height` pairs of aesthetics interact. I've seen enough...


This PR aims to fix #3142. Motivation is given here: https://github.com/tidyverse/ggplot2/issues/3142#issuecomment-2019903367. To recap: yes variable width bars are bad, but we allowed them implicitly anyway and are jumping through hoops...

Several getter functions, like `layer_data()`, call `ggplot_build()` on a plot. For testing purposes, it might be more convenient to build a plot once and then extract relevant data/grobs/scales without having...

internals :mag_right:

I think it would be neat to have access to the function that completes a theme. By the time `ggplot_build()` is run, the theme isn't completed yet, and by the...

themes :dancer:
internals :mag_right:

This PR aims to fix #5801. It introduces a new function, `complete_theme()` that wraps the internal `plot_theme()` function with some additional I/O checks. Reprex from the issue: ``` r devtools::load_all("~/packages/ggplot2")...