Teun van den Brand

Results 172 issues of Teun van den Brand

This PR implements the subtheme idea from #5301. Briefly, it adds functions that allow specifying parts of a theme with shorter arguments. A few considerations: * I tried making a...

When using facets, position guides are trained for every panel and drawn for every row/column. This seems excessive to me. In the code below, we can count how often a...

guides :straight_ruler:

I recently saw [this tweet](https://twitter.com/tjmahr/status/1621605306898780160?s=20&t=pXcytO_xalMj3OTNCLiWww), which I thought was a nice suggestion, because it allows you to reuse labels without falling victims to typos and such. It still required a...


The base R boxplot has additional control over several graphical features of the boxplots compared to `geom_boxplot()`. I've searched the issues if this has been mentioned before, but couldn't find...

layers :chart_with_upwards_trend:

Hi Charlotte, Apologies for the cold PR without filing an issue first. The ggplot2 package has changed the implementation of the guide system, which means that the old S3 will...

This PR aims to fix #349. Briefly, when merging titles, multi-cell titles are not taken into account. It allows cases such as the reprex from #349 to merge titles. ```...

Hello there, We have been preparing a new release of ggplot2 and during a reverse dependency check, it became apparent that the prospective ggplot2 3.5.0 would break ghibli. This PR...

## Prework * [x] Read and agree to the [code of conduct](https://www.contributor-covenant.org/version/2/1/code_of_conduct.html) and [contributing guidelines](https://github.com/rstudio/gt/blob/master/.github/CONTRIBUTING.md). * [ ] If there is [already a relevant issue](https://github.com/rstudio/gt/issues), whether open or closed, comment...

Type: ☹︎ Bug

An option to treat runs of `NA`s as equal so they are counted as a single run. Currently, `rle()` treats consecutive `NA` as separate runs. ``` r x Run Length...

When using `geom_vector() + scale_mag()`, you get a legend displaying the magnitude. This is fine, but I can imagine maintaining `guide_vector()` might be a bit of a hassle (certainly given...