Teun van den Brand

Results 172 issues of Teun van den Brand

This PR aims to fix #5936. Briefly, it adds the `orientation` argument to `geom_step()`. If `orientation = "y"`, stairsteps are constructed vertically. In the example below, recall that the steps...

This PR is an amendement to #5770. Briefly, we introduced the `palette` argument, but revdep check show that some people contstruct their discrete position scales using `discrete_scale(..., palette = identity)`....

This PR aims to fix #5930. Briefly, I forgot to pass `position` and `available_aes` to `new_guide()`, which this PR fixes. Reprex from issue: ``` r devtools::load_all("~/packages/ggplot2") #> ℹ Loading ggplot2...

From Thomas' [blog](https://www.tidyverse.org/blog/2024/05/marquee-0-1-0/#use-in-ggplot2): > The aim is to eventually move these into ggplot2 proper, but while we are in the initial phase of development they will stay in this package....


For relatively straightforward facet extensions that borrow the grid/wrap layout structure (but don't directly re-use the `facet_wrap()`/`facet_grid()` constructors), it would be convenient to access the `wrap_as_facets_list()` and `grid_as_facets_list()` functions. It...

internals :mag_right:

This PR aims to fix #3610. Briefly, it adds a `reverse` argument to `position_dodge()` and `position_jitterdodge()` that reverses the groups within a position in terms of dodge order. As a...

This PR aims to fix #5918. Briefly, `continuous_scale()` now sorts the limits and position guides get passed sorted ranges. The order of the limits should now only matter when choosing...

This PR aims to fix #4120. Briefly, instead of GeomViolin estimating quantiles based on the density, StatYdensity includes `quantile` as a computed variable. GeomViolin is then able to draw the...

breaking change :skull_and_crossbones:

This PR aims to fix #4320. Briefly, it attempts to 'unrotate' the data, do the contour calculation, and then re-apply the rotation back to the original data. It *does not*...

This PR does not really solve an open issue, but does make `GeomSf` more consistent with other geoms. Briefly, `sf_grob()` was a wrapper for `sf::st_as_grob()` that did two things that...