Ryan Ly

Results 180 issues of Ryan Ly

### What would you like to see added to PyNWB? There is a lot of boilerplate to use fsspec to stream an NWB file. I would like users to do...

category: proposal
priority: medium

### What would you like to see added to PyNWB? See https://github.com/NeurodataWithoutBorders/matnwb/issues/511 The `ElectricalSeries/data/unit` attribute is fixed to "volts" in the schema: https://github.com/NeurodataWithoutBorders/nwb-schema/blob/dev/core/nwb.ecephys.yaml#L36-L42 It looks like if PyNWB reads an...

category: enhancement
priority: low

## Motivation Requires the `electrodes_table` schema branch. Hold for new schema release. Testing not complete yet. Stashing changes publicly here. ## How to test the behavior? ``` Show how to...

### What would you like to see added to PyNWB? Given the coupling between NWB and DANDI, and that upload to DANDI is the most common use case for creating...

category: enhancement
priority: medium

### What would you like changed or added to the documentation and why? The [allensdk tutorial](https://pynwb.readthedocs.io/en/stable/tutorials/domain/brain_observatory.html#sphx-glr-tutorials-domain-brain-observatory-py) demonstrates how to 1. use the allensdk to read brain observatory ophys data (an...

category: enhancement
topic: docs
topic: testing
priority: low
topic: dependencies

### What would you like to see added to PyNWB? The allensdk has strict requirements on the versions of hdmf and pynwb as a result (currently the requirement is hdmf=3.5.1)....

priority: medium
topic: docs
topic: testing

### What would you like changed or added to the documentation and why? It would be nice to have a thumbnail image for the optogenetics tutorial. All the other tutorials...

category: enhancement
topic: docs
priority: low

### What happened? The current schema says that these fields should be optional: https://github.com/NeurodataWithoutBorders/nwb-schema/blob/dev/core/nwb.image.yaml#L131 The docval for `OpticalSeries.__init__` says that they are required: https://github.com/NeurodataWithoutBorders/pynwb/blob/dev/src/pynwb/image.py#L321 ### Steps to Reproduce ```python Try...

category: bug
priority: medium

### What would you like to see added to PyNWB? The upcoming NWB 2.6.0 release contains a new neurodata_type: `OnePhotonSeries`: https://github.com/NeurodataWithoutBorders/nwb-schema/pull/523 ### Is your feature request related to a problem?...

### What happened? The validator should return a validation error for NWB files with a TimeSeries that is missing data when validating against the latest schema version, but it does...

category: bug
priority: medium
topic: validator