Ryan Ly

Results 180 issues of Ryan Ly

Currently, the Device type is used to represent both a probe and the data acquisition system. It would be helpful to have a separate Probe type that inherits from Device...

priority: high
category: proposal

Replaces #324. See initial discussion and suggestions there. Also fix #410. TODO: - [ ] Test whether PyNWB properly carries `'unit'` attribute of `CurrentClampSeries.bias_current` to `'unit'` attribute of `IZeroClampSeries.bias_current` even...

compatibility: breaking change

- [x] Move schema language to new repo hdmf-dev/schema-language - [ ] #501 - [ ] Move schema validator code to hdmf-dev/hdmf - [ ] Restructure /core and /docs/format to...

category: enhancement
priority: low
topic: docs
topic: software process

Trying the `pull_request_target` event: https://docs.github.com/en/actions/using-workflows/events-that-trigger-workflows#pull_request_target This should trigger correctly for both PRs from forks and PRs from local branches but may not work for the codecov case in other repos....

The /scratch group can contain NWBContainer groups, DynamicTable groups, and ScratchData datasets. All of these objects are stored in /scratch in a flat hierarchy. Currently users can organize scratch objects...

priority: low
category: proposal

From Jerome Lecoq at the hackathon: - [ ] `sign_map` should be optional - [ ] phase maps and vasculature image are the most important. power maps should be optional...

PyNWB contains both base.py and core.py. That organization seems logical. I propose doing the same for the YAML files. PyNWB also separates device.py into its own file. I propose doing...

category: enhancement

https://github.com/hdmf-dev/hdmf-common-schema recently added PR templates to standardize and streamline PRs and release PRs. Those templates would be useful here as well. https://hdmf-common-schema.readthedocs.io/en/latest/software_process.html also has the most recent iteration of the...

From https://github.com/NeurodataWithoutBorders/nwb-schema/pull/379 : - [ ] Update `.github/workflows/pythonapp.yml` to replace `pip install git+https://github.com/hdmf-dev/hdmf.git` with `pip install hdmf` after a new version of HDMF is released with https://github.com/hdmf-dev/hdmf/pull/332 merged.

category: enhancement
priority: medium
topic: software process

It is often useful to store events as a list of timestamps, without packaging them into a TimeSeries. For example, this list could represent when the animal receives reward, when...

category: proposal
priority: medium