
Results 281 comments of Rik

It should work with SSR. Maybe this issue can be of help? https://github.com/pqina/flip/issues/18

Thanks, will try to pick this up one day.

To conserve resources the timer will pause when it's invisible, I think atm the above comment is the only way around that.

I've tested this without issue in projects myself, so not sure why it doesn't work in your situation. Do you get any errors?

Hi @novikov-alexander the `files` binding is currently only for programmatically adding initial files, or updating the current file set, it doesn't (currently) reflect the state of loaded (dropped) files. I'll...

@novikov-alexander Awesome! I'll definitely test this later this week.

I'm currently working on a new version of FilePond and will also re-visit types.

It sounds like a build script might be messing up the WebWorker functions. These calls: ![Screenshot 2020-04-27 at 08 51 48](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/1132575/80342411-6f155e80-8864-11ea-9369-43a2c79fae65.png) Maybe there's a way to exclude FilePond and its...

@modernpk happy to take a look at a public test case

@themodernpk I honestly don't know why that would happen, I'm all ears. The WebWorkers are created dynamically so maybe the hot reload messes with references to these dynamic web workers.