
Results 281 comments of Rik

true, I think it would be best to set text-overflow to its default value on elements that are used with Fitty

can you create a public test case for this?

It would be easiest if you can create a reproduction on codesandbox.io

It throws an "Cannot import an empty path" error, not sure what I should be looking at?

Tried to find the issue but wasn't successful. I'd restart with a basic page and then work my way from there to find at what point the calculations go wrong.

Thanks! Glad to hear you find it useful :-) I've just ran some quick tests in an attempt to fix it but wasn't really succesful. Will ponder on this some...

Ran some more tests. The problem is with the letter spacing being either fixed or relative to the font size. The current algorithm calculates the horizontal space occupied by the...

@lifeinchords no unfortunately not

Thanks, I'll try to look into this as soon as possible but I'm swamped with other work right now, hope to have some more time in february.