
Results 281 comments of Rik

@romainbessugesmeusy feel free to submit a PR

Please provide a test case. It looks like you're not overwriting the `myFiles` object just pushing and splicing so vue might not catch the update? I advice to test without...

Maybe this is because it first checks for support and otherwise falls back to a file input?

Hi, by default metadata is supplied with the same name as the file field, if you want to change that you have to supply a custom server.process method. It’s possible...

Just tested, it doesn't pick up the data attributes, best to use the `oninitfile` callback: https://codesandbox.io/s/vue-filepond-metadata-bpmlg?file=/src/components/FilePondDemo.vue

Thanks @lukestuts, I honestly don't know and currently have time to test this.

@pazarbasifatih I very much appreciate the offer. There's currently no hidden Vue doc. It would be easiest to generate the docs from a core truth but that's not really easy...

For simple static values you can use a string, for complex values in data() or values that might change you use v-bind. Internally FilePond converts string input to the right...

Thanks for reporting. Looking into it as soon as possible, in the mean time, if you have any suggestions I'm all ears. : )