
Results 281 comments of Rik

Can you create a test case on https://codesandbox.io/

It's weird, it's trying to import from the iife version of FilePond instead of the es module which is in the same folder. Anyone know how to instruct bundlers to...

Hopefully will add those in the near future, if anyone feels like adding them, a PR is very welcome.

Hi, can you create a test case on codesandbox.io, happy to take a quick look

Have you set a doctype on your local version?

Okay, ehm, the code sandbox is a bust for me?

Sorry, It doesn’t run, doesn’t show the FilePond drop area.

@PlkMarudny @hobbitronics I just updated the `svelte-filepond/example` project, it seems that it had an error in it. Please note that you need to set up post-css and sveltePreprocess to import...

@MTyson thanks, will look into this when I have some time.

I've restructured the component, hope that helps. The css import is now separate from the Svelte component and no longer in the `` tag, this seems to work in my...