
Results 281 comments of Rik

Appreciate the PR, but I've decided to leave this out for now, as I feel it's probably not what most devs need, if that changes then I'll reconsider. Will leave...

> > @cwdott see my last reply. > > From 3 months ago, just above mine? That's the one I was addressing in my comment 😊 No, I mean in...

Thanks! I want to keep the library as small as possible, but this seems like a logical feature for it, I'll see if I can incorporate it without it adding...

@rosivanov Thanks!

@deviousasti The plans are there, it's the time that is the problem, can't believe it's already been a year.

Nice! Thanks for posting.

@GuilhermeCouto apart from solutions posted by other devs, no

@madmod I'm open to merging it, but only if it's fast and doesn't add too much weight.

Thanks, this looks like a super small change, I'll take a look at this sometime in the next couple weeks.