
Results 281 comments of Rik

@natemate90 Glad to hear you found a workaround. Tried to find a solution but wasn't successful, I'll look into it further when I have some time. If anyone else has...

I’d look at the developer tools network tab and console to see if there are any errors and/or if the requests both look the same.

I'm sorry I don't know why this is happening but I suspect it's not related to FilePond.

This is so project specific. Please create a concise test case on codesandbox.io happy to take a look but I'm afraid I can't help out further.

This will probably cause issues: ```jsx {initialFiles.map((thisFile) => ( ))} ```

> I'm in a mission critical project that was due months ago. Don't move your development pressure on to me please.

`onupdatefiles` is used to sync the internal files list with an external list of files in state. When it's set to a function it will do this: https://github.com/pqina/react-filepond/blob/master/lib/index.js#L44 It's a...

Hey! Thanks! And thanks for the detailed issue report, going to take a look at this later this week and will get back to you.

I've locally updated the example project to React 18, it worked fine until I wrapped the `` win `` Not sure, maybe React is not happy that FilePond uses classic...

Maybe you have `` wrapping a node at some other location in your code? About the error, for some reason the `parentNode` of FilePonds root element is `null` for a...