Rik Huijzer

Results 90 issues of Rik Huijzer

This reduces the time to first `something` and shouldn't have a negative effect on performance. Benchmarked with Julia 1.8-rc3: ```julia _something() = throw(ArgumentError("No value arguments present")) _something(x::Nothing, @nospecialize(y...)) = something(y...)...

- Let's enable https://github.com/fonsp/Pluto.jl/pull/1029? I'm been using it as default for a few months now and it worked flawlessly.

I wrote a package called [`PrecompileSignatures.jl`](https://github.com/rikhuijzer/PrecompileSignatures.jl) to speed up package loading time. When adding it to `Genie.jl`, it makes `precompile` take 16 seconds longer, makes `using Genie` take 1 second...

I love the fact that Franklin can generate my website including plots and tables. However, this brings in the risk that some code contains a bug which then shows a...


Hi! :smile: While using Franklin with a more computationally heavy site, I noticed that the server isn't available until all the computations are done (20 minutes on a fresh git...

speed (engine)
code eval

For most errors, Franklin will gracefully handle errors. For example, undefined variables are shown at the webpage. However, messing up the syntax, will crash the `serve` function completely. An example...

code eval

It is often the case that a PR is already opened to update some compat entry, but it is blocked for some reason or needs more work. It would avoid...

This is a feature request. Let some package be called `Foo`. I think that it would be possible to avoid a compat entry for any package in `docs/Project.toml` and `test/Project.toml`...

feature request

`pkgdir` is available since Julia 1.4 (https://github.com/JuliaLang/julia/blob/v1.4.0/NEWS.md) and this repo is lower bounded to Julia 1.5: https://github.com/CliMA/ClimateMachine.jl/blob/2f84c00ecec8cc6b1783306327397c0879f643c6/Project.toml#L104 ## Details ```julia julia> dirname(dirname(pathof(Revise))) == pkgdir(Revise) true ```

I just calculated Cronbach alpha via StatsBase.jl for a paper. If calculated via psych's R package, I would have cited that. Can I also cite StatsBase in some way?