Rik Huijzer

Results 90 issues of Rik Huijzer

### What's missing? First of all, thanks for making Rocket. I like it a lot. I would like to open a feature request. Whenever I change my templates or Rocket...


### `brew doctor` output ```shell Please note that these warnings are just used to help the Homebrew maintainers with debugging if you file an issue. If everything you use Homebrew...

help wanted

I'm using ```yaml - uses: taiki-e/install-action@v2 with: tool: [email protected] ``` on an Ampere Altra and it fails because there are no suitable binaries available. Could the number of architectures be...

### Description I just clicked through the Deploy with Vercel button at https://github.com/vercel/ai/blob/9d51863453d22896e9244b43cf1c7c0138bdfeb9/examples/next-ai-rsc/README.md?plain=1#L27 and connected via GitLab. The build threw an error (see below for build logs) and the deployed...

From Julia 1.5 onward, keyword arguments can be simplified if the variable name and keyword name are the same, that is, `f(; x=x)` can be written as `f(; x)`. This...


Compilation of `xlsxwriter` v0.5.0 failed for me with the following error: ``` Compiling xlsxwriter v0.5.0 error[E0412]: cannot find type `size_t` in crate `libxlsxwriter_sys` Error: --> /home/runner/.cargo/registry/src/github.com-1ecc6299db9ec823/xlsxwriter-0.5.0/src/worksheet/mod.rs:1351:52 | 1351 | buffer.len()...

Could a `retention-days` key be added to this repository similar to what https://github.com/actions/upload-artifact has. This could allow the cache to, essentially, be cleaned up more frequently. This would have two...

`cache-hit` exists for `cache/restore` and provides whether there was a cache hit. However, when using `cache/save`, there is no similar output which can be used to check for whether the...

I'm quite sure that the ``` Artifact could not be deployed. Please ensure the content does not contain any hard links, symlinks and total size is less than 10GB. ```...

``` WARNING: Method definition is_mime_enabled(Base.Multimedia.MIME{Symbol("application/vnd.pluto.tree+object")}) in module Main at none:3 overwritten on the same line (check for duplicate calls to `include`). WARNING: Method definition is_mime_enabled(Base.Multimedia.MIME{Symbol("application/vnd.pluto.tree+object")}) in module Main at none:3...