Rik Huijzer

Results 90 issues of Rik Huijzer

I just tested the package and got it to work. It was replaying my script perfectly fine. However, do I need manually to record my screen? Can this package also...


Work in progress. Fixes https://github.com/rikhuijzer/PowerAnalyses.jl/issues/21.

See https://doi.org/10.1148/radiology.143.1.7063747 for more info

Running it locally with `repo2docker --debug .`

Currently, the documentation isn't clear on - how does the package work - why is the package necessary (open source, more models than pwr) - start wide and narrow down...

Given a model, for each prediction (after summing all the individual rules) the classes should sum to 1. Many other algorithms do this, but SIRUS.jl not. For example, it is...

This makes the models less interpretable.

It looks like there is a sort of balancing issue. The following is an image on SIRUS 1.1.2, but the same occurs on 1.3.0: ![auc plots](https://github.com/rikhuijzer/SIRUS.jl/assets/20724914/931819f2-d31c-4b68-a5f9-4383e16c4381) It looks like the...