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Adhocracy is a policy drafting and decision making software for distributed groups and open institutions.

Results 100 adhocracy issues
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Requirements: - It should be possible to add one or multiple images to a proposal/comment - Images should be automatically scaled to defined sizes. - This should be allowed to...


As a part of the tasked new drafting of Ypart it was collectively decided to try and replace tutorials with instructional videos that will also have accompanying descriptive text... Furthermore,...


Validation errors from select boxes like the locale or region selection fail with error 500 if an invalid value is entered instead of showing a validation warning. This is probably...


Entering an URL to an adhocracy instance which doesn't exist should result in a 404 instead of ignoring the subdomain part.


If an invalid template variable (e.g. `{huhu}`) is added in a mass message, the preview is still shown (with the error message rendered in the body) and the sending fails...


We introduced an email uniqueness constraint in c50e62f3a2f0e45693e1c953c6fef3cc57291632. While there shouldn't be multiple active users with the same email address, it is perfectly valid to create a user with the...


Currently the filesystem backend is the default backend, although the database backend is more flexible and convenient. We should make the database backend the default and add a some mechanism...


If a user validates her email and is not already logged in, the system doesn't log her in automatically. I'd say that automatic login is the desired behavior in that...


Due to the database assured uniqueness of emails, an email of a deleted user can not be used again. Trying to do so results in an error 500.


`adhocracy.instance` is meant to allow to use adhocracy in a single instance setup. This feature has not been maintained for a while and is now buggy. However I can not...
