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Adhocracy is a policy drafting and decision making software for distributed groups and open institutions.

Results 100 adhocracy issues
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If you start and stop solr with supervisor: ``` bin/supervisord bin/supervisorctl shutdown ``` The solr java process is not shutdown immediately: ``` pstree -a | grep java ```


`` is used to controll if users can vote instead of if users can see the results.


when trying to vote a comment with a non-activated user I am send to the votes pages. I would expect a warning, e.g. "please activate your account to be able...


There is currently no UI for following pages. This is bad as sectionpages start to be an important feature of adhocracy. A second issue with following pages is that events...


Our currently used 2-click social share button widget loads content through an unencrypted connection, no matter what protocol we use. Due to recent changes at Firefox (>=23), these buttons aren't...


Fails: Passes:


If a form field in the user csv import yields a validation error, the corresponding field will then erroneously have a red error color font.


When deleting a page with subpages a warning message should be included in `ask_delete` (maybe similar to the one in #499). It may also be nice to add an alternative...


If you have hierarchical badges, only the lowest level is displayed in the proposal listings. It would be better to have a setting to switch on the higher level badges...
