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Adhocracy is a policy drafting and decision making software for distributed groups and open institutions.

Results 100 adhocracy issues
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In case the loginstyle is set to alternate and the user clicks choses option "I have no password" the user is now able to login via email instead of requesting...

In `lib/auth` there exist several modules concerning pages, namely `lib/auth/`, `lib/auth/` and `lib/auth/`. My impression is that they were not always kept up to date and were used inconsitently throughout...


Accessibility is very important. If we want to work with public institutions it becomes even more so. So we should try to comply to basic accessibility guidelines. Most importantly: -...


After successfully deleting an instance I am redirected to `/`. This works fine if `adhocracy.relative_urls` is `True`, but redirects to a non-existing page if it is `False`. Note that #626...


I ran into this error when running buildout on MacOSX: ``` Fetching: ffi-1.9.3.gem (100%) Building native extensions. This could take a while... ERROR: Error installing compass: ERROR: Failed to build...

As (controversely) discussed in #119 we should refactor the css grid and maybe introduce a more responsive one. I propose to use the [foundation grid component]( as it is already...


#836 has introduced several new installation settings. These are neither documented in `etc/` nor in `config/`.


The "Show more..." markdown extension we introduced in #120 has some minor bug which I guess keeps people from using it. - _Expected behavior_: replace `(((text)))` with a "[show more]"...


The following permissions should be introduced: - `proposal.badge.create` - `proposal.badge.assign` - `user.badge.create` - `user.badge.assign` Notes: - The `proposal.badge.x` should also include thumbnail badges. - The `x.badge.create` actions currently lack an...


Setting a milestone date to before `1900` results in: ``` WebApp Error: : year=1014 is before 1900; the datetime strftime() methods require year >= 1900 ``` We should check for...
