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Adhocracy is a policy drafting and decision making software for distributed groups and open institutions.

Results 100 adhocracy issues
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I've heard multiple times that the user dropdown menu doesn't work on iOS Safari. Can anybody with iOS try to analyse / fix that?


It is currently not possible to translate content pulled from wordpress. **Original issue title and description:** Englische Übersetzung Nach Anmeldung (Einstellung Englisch) ist die Seite nur teilweise in der Hauptmenüleiste...


It seems to me that even though _final adopting votings_ are activated on an instance base, it's not possible to actually initialize it as an admin user. I think a...


The feedback form is absolutely positioned and isn't completly visible on small screens (e.g. netbooks with 600px height). This should be fixed by using some clever css.


On tag pages there should be a list of all proposals and norms which are tagged with this tag. Unfortunately, norms are not included in that list. That is especially...


As indexing into solr may take a couple of seconds (or even more, depending on the current size of the background queue), we should communicate that fact to users after...


We currently only translate the default branch via transifex [0]. Strings which exist only in branches (e.g. geo / are thus not translatable there. @csenger proposes as a workaround...


A news service shall allow installation / instance admins / moderators to send messages to user groups. The following recipient groups should be available: - [x] All installation users -...


Static pages such as `delegation_faq` cannot be accessed in the file system backend and lead to a 404.


Steps to reproduce: - Disable `allow_propose_changes` in the instance settings - go to map - click on a polygon Now there is a link "New proposal" in the speech bubble....
