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Adhocracy is a policy drafting and decision making software for distributed groups and open institutions.

Results 100 adhocracy issues
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On the proposal listing (the version with the collapse/expand buttons) when I use the pagination, it expands all the proposals. I guess this is due to the `#top` at the...


If an instance has "allow changes from others by default (proposal)" enabled, visiting the new proposal creation page from a category view, e.g. `/i/foo/proposal/new?category=15` erroneously leaves "Allow changes from others"...


Steps to reproduce: Go to instance settings. Upload a logo. Try to delete the logo. The problem is that that no input with name "delete_logo" exists. If you manually add...


The `geo` branch contains both features that are useful to be merged back to trunk, but also stuff specific to the OffeneKommune project. This needs to be cleaned up. The...


If a user tries to login in `/i/myinstance/login` and enters wrong credentials, she ends up in `/post_login` without instance. This is due to the statically defined FriendlyFormPlugin URLs, which seem...


The proposal facet navigation should also include future milestones _(Termine)_. State: Partially implemented in commit 1507cff659681c836567a908fe4f4712138553db - but not limited to future milestones.


Hidden instances are erroneously shown in instance list since 69d64c4de6f20f08f6abf250f8e1ebabb0ddf79b. Previously, `model.Instance.all()` has been used, which filters out hidden instances. This has to be done in the `solr_instance_pager` instead.


Pull request fixes from hhu_theme Creates a new table for logging each Login attempt. It stores username, ip and a timestamp. After 5 unsuccessful attempts for an hour the...

We should make sure data of deleted users actually gets deleted at some point. The rough requirements are the following: - Content created by this user should be kept online,...


Added hashing of requestlog - replace login token of `adhocracy_login` cookie with a hash of it. - replace the welcome code in `request_url` and `referer` with a hash of it.