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Adhocracy is a policy drafting and decision making software for distributed groups and open institutions.

Results 100 adhocracy issues
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allows deletion of static pages (fixes HHU #427) it creates a new link to the edit static pages html, this link generates a confirmation html (ask_delete) which deletes a specific...

Service has been updated.

Implements an option to disable voting for an instance, as mentioned here:

If users double-click on submit in the user badge form, they may create user (and probably others too) badge assignments multiple times. Afterwards this badge can't be deleted anymore, as...


I still want to see my own voting behavior, even after voting has closed, in order to make sure that my vote hasn't been removed by an admin or so.


In case of an error, the `ajax_submit` function (used in overlays) should deal with it somehow. Currently there's simply no error-callback defined, therefore the _ongoing-submit_ icon keeps turning and confuses...


This program enables comment-replies via email in adhocracy. Features: - external service - watch functions: IMAP, Maildir, mbox - detection of comment duplicates (multiple parsing commands for same email in...

The main fix is in I moved '/static/{key}{.format}' up in the list so that the two rules with "_" do not mess it. The actions "edit" and "update" should...

We marking up translatable strings we forgot that not every language uses the arabic number system. All numbers should be marked up for translation.
