Florian Rathgeber

Results 121 comments of Florian Rathgeber

@gvangool This has gone stale, any plans for rebasing? @peritus What are your current thoughts on this vs. #58 vs. #74?

@peritus Just to note that annotated tags are an absolute showstopper for me, no point adopting bumpversion without this feature imho. I'm sure many others feel the same. Anything I...

@MarkusH This has gone stale, any chance of rebasing please? @peritus This closely relates to #58, which of these two feels more "ready" to you? Would be great to have...

Would be great to get this project moving again :) Happy to help too, though I won't have a lot of time to spend on maintenance, but periodic issue reviews...

@ijstokes FYI, I added a conda-forge recipe for cram a few years ago: https://github.com/conda-forge/cram-feedstock

``` GIT_SSL_NO_VERIFY=true git clone ... ```

Any progress update on this @danhunsaker? I was about to dig into the code and trying to add this feature when I found this issue. Support for this is critical...

Thanks for reporting this. FWIW, I can the example from the OP successfully in Python 3.8.7 but get the same 401 you report when testing with Python 3.9.2. I also...

Interesting, so it looks like Python 3.9 implicitly appends `/RPC2` to the URL but strips the query string. That looks like a pretty egregious but to me. According to the...

OK, the plot thickens: seems that [the default path is `/RPC2`](https://github.com/python/cpython/blame/63298930fb531ba2bb4f23bc3b915dbf1e17e9e1/Lib/xmlrpc/client.py#L1428) if no path is given i.e. if your URL ends with a `/` it works as intended. *But* the...