Florian Rathgeber

Results 121 comments of Florian Rathgeber

I haven't used the script output much. Have done some simple tests and it seems by default the execution counts are included as comments but the output is not? Could...

@michaelaye, @mforbes: any conclusions on this?

Glad to hear nbstripout is a valuable complement to the Jupyter hooks. Mabye it's worth involving some of the Jupyter folks in this discussion? @minrk @takluyver @carreau

Sure, we could potentially refactor `nbstripout` into a call to the `nbconvert` CLI. However I'm not convinced that buys us anything. We're already using the `nbconvert` API and I don't...

Thanks for the endorsement @nehalecky! I have to point out that this is based on work from @minrk and @mforbes has contributed a lot! Would be great to have some...

@nehalecky no worries! Documentation is still a bit lacking you're right. I demoed nbstripout at the [PyData London meetup](www.meetup.com/PyData-London-Meetup/events/228736968/) I co-organise on Tuesday. If I find some time I might...

@MindTooth what would you then want to strip out if you're keeping `outputs`?

Interesting, that sounds like a useful option. How do you see the "UI" of this option? Suppose this could even be easily generalized to support any data type to either...

Sounds quite sensible! Let's start with images since this seems to be the most important case. One of you happy to have a go at this @rsvp @jpeacock29 ?

Feel free to have a go at this, I'm not sure when I might find time to work on it myself.