Florian Rathgeber

Results 121 comments of Florian Rathgeber

@stas00 I've looked at your issue and am about as puzzled as you are. Thanks for documenting it so thoroughly. Guess we'll have to find a better git plumber than...

Yeah, to me this sounds like a Git issue rather than an nbstripout issue and I'm not sure what (if anything) we could fix in nbstripout to help with this....

FYI, we're discussing adding a dedicated `nbstripout` command to help with this flow in #108. Could be worth taking inspiration from the fastai scripts.

@DanielRudnicki Reproduction steps for the failures you're seeing would help.

@IsabellLehmann can you confirm what happens if you only use Git on the command line and not via SourceTree? Do you see any issues? I've tried the example from your...

The diff you posted is from `git diff --cached` I assume? Is SourceTree showing you the state after having staged the file? In this case, the diff should indeed be...

Thanks for confirming. I'm not sure what I could do on the `nbstripout` side to fix this. Does SourceTree have a community forum or similar where you could report this,...

@IsabellLehmann did you ever find a solution for this issue?

@IsabellLehmann is this still an issue for you?