Jon Parise

Results 95 comments of Jon Parise

Everything appears to be working for me. Are you perhaps outside of the United States in a country without an official App Store presence?

I just pushed a change that allows the HTTP connection's source address to be set using a new command line argument: `--source`. Hopefully that will make it easier for you...

This is tricky because we can't specifically include the location fragment delimiter in the [Match Pattern](, and I'd prefer to keep that optimization rather than match all URLs.

I was actually looking at this just the other day. I'll need to spend some time on it, but I think this would be a nice feature to add.

We use [mcrouter](/facebook/mcrouter) extensively at Pinterest, and it unfortunately doesn't support the binary protocol (facebook/mcrouter#6). That makes it less of a priority for us (internal-development-wise), but we'd be happy to...

@simonzheng: I fixed my link. Thanks!

I'm afraid we don't have official stubs to share at this time, but they would be great to have.

@dormando: I gave this a quick once-over, and nothing stands out as particularly difficult to support. I think we'd start with a raw 1-to-1 protocol interface (which is how we...

If we _wanted_ to risk the break, now would be a good time to do it (as part of the upcoming 4.0, Python 3-only release).