Josh Rabinowitz

Results 143 comments of Josh Rabinowitz

@bricewge , I worked up #535 to allow users to pass options to gpg when using `git secret tell`. Can you please test it out and let us know if...

Hey @bennycode, now that we have windows support fleshed out and tested, we'd love if you'd submit a PR to make git-secret available through Chocolately.

Thank you for this bug report. Can you please try with the current master branch and `-v` with every git-secret command to use verbose mode, this should provide info about...

Thanks again for following up. According to the best docs I could find on the subject of gnupg exit codes, (), (paraphrased): * Exit code 0 means 'success' (although we've...

@sobolevn maybe you would like to chime in with details of how you think `delete` and `clean` options should work with `hide` in corner cases

@sobolevn this is as we discussed last

Edit: we cannot easily depend on perl in place of awk in all cases; in particular; alpine's git packages (unlike most) do not install perl

I haven't dug in yet but when you mention this: > It does not appear when git secret is used in a non shared folder. it sounds like it might...

I'm not exactly clear what your use case is; I can't quite figure out what problem you're trying to solve. What are you trying to accomplish in the alpine VM?