git-secret icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
git-secret copied to clipboard

"gpg: can't connect to the agent: IPC connect call failed" error in docker alpine on shared volume

Open paslandau opened this issue 2 years ago • 9 comments

I try to build an alpine docker image that contains git-secret and can be used to encry/decrypt files in a codebase that is shared with the host system. My Host system is Windows 10 and I use Docker Desktop (non-WSL).

When running git secret killperson in the container within the shared folder, the error

gpg: can't connect to the agent: IPC connect call failed

is shown. It does not appear when git secret is used in a non-shared folder.


What were you expecting to happen?

No error is shown

What are the steps to reproduce this issue?

  1. Build a docker image to reproduce the issue
docker build -t my-git-secret -<<'EOS'

FROM alpine:3.15.2 as base

# install git-secret
# @see
ADD /etc/apk/keys/

RUN echo "" >> /etc/apk/repositories  && \
    apk add --update --no-cache \
        git \
        git-secret \

# create GPG keys     
RUN touch /tmp/batch.txt && \
    echo "Key-Type: 1" | tee -a "/tmp/batch.txt" && \
    echo "Key-Length: 2048" | tee -a "/tmp/batch.txt" && \
    echo "Subkey-Type: 1" | tee -a "/tmp/batch.txt" && \
    echo "Subkey-Length: 2048" | tee -a "/tmp/batch.txt" && \
    echo "Name-Real: John Doe" | tee -a "/tmp/batch.txt" && \
    echo "Name-Email: [email protected]" | tee -a "/tmp/batch.txt" && \
    echo "Expire-Date: 0" | tee -a "/tmp/batch.txt" && \
    echo "%no-protection" | tee -a "/tmp/batch.txt" && \
    cat /tmp/batch.txt | gpg --batch --gen-key 
  • uses alpine:3.15.2 as base image
  • installs git, gnupg and git-secret
  • creates a gpg key pair for [email protected]
  1. create an empty folder on the host system
mkdir shared
  1. Start a container with the image, share the folder and attach a shell session
docker run -it -v $(pwd)/shared:/shared my-git-secret sh

(FYI: I'm using a MinGW shell on Windows and need to run the following command:

winpty docker run -it -v /$(pwd)/shared:/shared my-git-secret sh
  1. navigate to the shared folder
cd /shared
  1. initialize git, git secret, add [email protected]
git init
git secret init
git secret tell [email protected]
git secret whoknows
  1. remove [email protected]
git secret killperson [email protected]

Any logs, error output, etc?

Any other comments?

When running the same commands on a non-shared folder (e.g. /tmp), everything works as expected. Interstingly, ps aux will show a gpg-agent process after running the command.

    1 root      0:00 sh
  520 root      0:00 gpg-agent --homedir /tmp/.gitsecret/keys --use-standard-socket --daemon
  691 root      0:00 ps aux

=> this process is no running when used in a shared folder

What versions of software are you using?

Operating system: (uname -a) …

$ uname -a
Linux bfc6f1ef7b72 5.10.104-linuxkit #1 SMP Wed Mar 9 19:05:23 UTC 2022 x86_64 GNU/Linux

=> Alpine 3.15.2 via docker

git-secret path: (which git-secret) …

$ which git-secret

git-secret version: (git secret --version) …

$ git secret --version

git version: (git --version) …

git --version
git version 2.34.1

Shell type and version: ($SHELL --version) … not working

$SHELL --version
sh: --version: not found

gpg version: (gpg --version) …

gpg --version
gpg (GnuPG) 2.2.31
libgcrypt 1.9.4
Copyright (C) 2021 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
License GNU GPL-3.0-or-later <>
This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it.
There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law.

Home: /root/.gnupg
Supported algorithms:
Hash: SHA1, RIPEMD160, SHA256, SHA384, SHA512, SHA224
Compression: Uncompressed, ZIP, ZLIB, BZIP2

paslandau avatar Mar 28 '22 11:03 paslandau

I haven't dug in yet but when you mention this:

It does not appear when git secret is used in a non shared folder.

it sounds like it might be a file/directory permissions/ownership issue; perhaps which is keeping gpg-agent from starting.

Can you try running the whole example with the env SECRETS_VERBOSE=1 ? This might offer some hints.

joshrabinowitz avatar Mar 30 '22 20:03 joshrabinowitz

Just added more info on the host system (sry for omitting before):

My Host system is Windows 10 and I use Docker Desktop (non-WSL).

Mentioning this, because in this setup the permissions are not transferred from the host system (instead, they are 0777 by default which can also not be changed, see - thus I don't believe it's a permission issue)

Can you try running the whole example with the env SECRETS_VERBOSE=1 ? This might offer some hints.

Unfortunately no additional info:

root:/var/www/app# export SECRETS_VERBOSE=1
root:/var/www/app# git secret killperson [email protected]
gpg: can't connect to the agent: IPC connect call failed

But: It revealed that the same error is happening on git secret tell:

root:/var/www/app# git secret tell [email protected]
gpg: key 49393E27EDF49163: public key "John Doe <[email protected]>" imported
gpg: can't connect to the agent: IPC connect call failed
gpg: Total number processed: 1
gpg:               imported: 1
git-secret: cleaning up: /tmp/_git_secret.CcjBCL

(that was "hidden" before).

FYI: Everything "still works", i.e. I am still able to decrypt the files with [email protected] when adding via tell resp. am not able to decrypt after I ran killperson. mentions

bash -x `which git-secret` add file.txt

so I'm also attaching the output of that command (sry for the wall of text - there more info at the bottom of this post)

root:/shared# bash -x `which git-secret` killperson [email protected]
+ _SECRETS_DIR=.gitsecret
+ _SECRETS_DIR_KEYS=.gitsecret/keys
+ _SECRETS_DIR_PATHS=.gitsecret/paths
+ _SECRETS_DIR_KEYS_TRUSTDB=.gitsecret/keys/trustdb.gpg
+ _SECRETS_DIR_PATHS_MAPPING=.gitsecret/paths/mapping.cfg
+ [[ -n 1 ]]
+ [[ 1 -ne 0 ]]
+ : .secret
+ : gpg
+ : '_os_based __sha256'
+ : '_os_based __get_octal_perms'
+ : '_os_based __epoch_to_date'
+ : /tmp
BEGIN { FS=":"; OFS=":"; cnt=0; }
  if ( key == $1 )
END { if ( cnt > 0 ) print "0"; else print "1"; }
BEGIN { FS=":"; OFS=":"; }
  if ( key != $1 )
    print $1,$2;
BEGIN { FS=":"; OFS=":"; }
  print $1,"";
  if( n >= 2) {
    if(array[1] >= 2)
      if(array[2] >= 1)
        print 1
        print 0
      print 0
  else if(array[1] >= 2)
    print 1
    print 0
++ gpg --version
++ gawk '
  if( n >= 2) {
    if(array[1] >= 2)
      if(array[2] >= 1)
        print 1
        print 0
      print 0
  else if(array[1] >= 2)
    print 1
    print 0
+ GPG_VER_MIN_21=1
BEGIN { cnt=0; OFS=":"; FS=":"; }
flag=0; $1 == "pub" { cnt++ }
END { print cnt }

function check_print_line(line){
  if (line == pattern) {
  print line

# main function
  check_print_line($0)      # check and print first line
  while (getline == 1) {    # check and print all other

  if ( cnt == 0) {         # if file did not contain pattern add
    print pattern
BEGIN { FS=":"; OFS=":"; }
  if ( key == $1 )
    print key,hash;
    print $1,$2;
+ set -e
+ _init_script killperson [email protected]
+ [[ 2 == 0 ]]
+ local dry_run=0
+ [[ 2 -gt 0 ]]
+ local opt=killperson
+ case "$opt" in
+ break
+ [[ 0 == 0 ]]
+ _check_setup
+ local is_tree
++ _is_inside_git_tree
++ local result
+++ git rev-parse --is-inside-work-tree
+++ echo 0
++ result=0
++ echo 0
+ is_tree=0
+ [[ 0 -ne 0 ]]
+ _secrets_dir_is_not_ignored
+ local git_secret_dir
++ _get_secrets_dir
++ _append_root_path .gitsecret
++ local path=.gitsecret
++ local root_path
+++ _get_git_root_path
+++ local result
+++++ git rev-parse --show-toplevel
++++ _clean_windows_path /shared
++++ echo /shared
++++ sed 's#^\([a-zA-Z]\):/#/\1/#'
+++ result=/shared
+++ echo /shared
++ root_path=/shared
++ echo /shared/.gitsecret
+ git_secret_dir=/shared/.gitsecret
+ local ignores
++ _check_ignore /shared/.gitsecret
++ local filename=/shared/.gitsecret
++ local result
+++ git check-ignore -q /shared/.gitsecret
+++ echo 1
++ result=1
++ echo 1
+ ignores=1
+ [[ ! 1 -eq 1 ]]
+ local keys_dir
++ _get_secrets_dir_keys
++ _append_root_path .gitsecret/keys
++ local path=.gitsecret/keys
++ local root_path
+++ _get_git_root_path
+++ local result
+++++ git rev-parse --show-toplevel
++++ _clean_windows_path /shared
++++ sed 's#^\([a-zA-Z]\):/#/\1/#'
++++ echo /shared
+++ result=/shared
+++ echo /shared
++ root_path=/shared
++ echo /shared/.gitsecret/keys
+ keys_dir=/shared/.gitsecret/keys
+ local secring=/shared/.gitsecret/keys/secring.gpg
+ [[ -f /shared/.gitsecret/keys/secring.gpg ]]
+ local function_exists
++ _function_exists killperson
++ local function_name=killperson
++ declare -f -F killperson
++ echo 0
+ function_exists=0
+ [[ 0 == 0 ]]
+ [[ ! killperson == _* ]]
+ killperson [email protected]
+ getopts h opt
+ shift 0
+ '[' [email protected] = -- ']'
+ _user_required
+ _secrets_dir_exists
+ local full_path
++ _get_secrets_dir
++ _append_root_path .gitsecret
++ local path=.gitsecret
++ local root_path
+++ _get_git_root_path
+++ local result
+++++ git rev-parse --show-toplevel
++++ _clean_windows_path /shared
++++ ++++ echo sed /shared
+++ result=/shared
+++ echo /shared
++ root_path=/shared
++ echo /shared/.gitsecret
+ full_path=/shared/.gitsecret
+ [[ ! -d /shared/.gitsecret ]]
+ local trustdb
++ _get_secrets_dir_keys_trustdb
++ _append_root_path .gitsecret/keys/trustdb.gpg
++ local path=.gitsecret/keys/trustdb.gpg
++ local root_path
+++ _get_git_root_path
+++ local result
+++++ git rev-parse --show-toplevel
++++ _clean_windows_path /shared
++++ sed 's#^\([a-zA-Z]\):/#/\1/#'
++++ echo /shared
+++ result=/shared
+++ echo /shared
++ root_path=/shared
++ echo /shared/.gitsecret/keys/trustdb.gpg
+ trustdb=/shared/.gitsecret/keys/trustdb.gpg
+ local 'error_message=no public keys for users found. run '\''git secret tell email@address'\''.'
+ [[ ! -f /shared/.gitsecret/keys/trustdb.gpg ]]
+ local secrets_dir_keys
++ _get_secrets_dir_keys
++ _append_root_path .gitsecret/keys
++ local path=.gitsecret/keys
++ local root_path
+++ _get_git_root_path
+++ local result
+++++ git rev-parse --show-toplevel
++++ _clean_windows_path /shared
++++ echo /shared
++++ sed 's#^\([a-zA-Z]\):/#/\1/#'
+++ result=/shared
+++ echo /shared
++ root_path=/shared
++ echo /shared/.gitsecret/keys
+ secrets_dir_keys=/shared/.gitsecret/keys
+ local keys_exist
++ gpg --homedir /shared/.gitsecret/keys --no-permission-warning -n --list-keys
+ keys_exist='/shared/.gitsecret/keys/pubring.kbx
pub   rsa2048 2022-03-31 [SCEA]
uid           [ unknown] John Doe <[email protected]>
sub   rsa2048 2022-03-31 [SEA]'
+ local exit_code=0
+ [[ -z /shared/.gitsecret/keys/pubring.kbx
pub   rsa2048 2022-03-31 [SCEA]
uid           [ unknown] John Doe <[email protected]>
sub   rsa2048 2022-03-31 [SEA] ]]
+ [[ 0 -ne 0 ]]
+ emails=('[email protected]')
+ local emails
+ [[ 1 -eq 0 ]]
+ local secrets_dir_keys
++ _get_secrets_dir_keys
++ _append_root_path .gitsecret/keys
++ local path=.gitsecret/keys
++ local root_path
+++ _get_git_root_path
+++ local result
+++++ git rev-parse --show-toplevel
++++ _clean_windows_path /shared
++++ echo /shared
++++ sed 's#^\([a-zA-Z]\):/#/\1/#'
+++ result=/shared
+++ echo /shared
++ root_path=/shared
++ echo /shared/.gitsecret/keys
+ secrets_dir_keys=/shared/.gitsecret/keys
+ _assert_keyring_contains_emails /shared/.gitsecret/keys 'git-secret keyring' [email protected]
+ local homedir=/shared/.gitsecret/keys
+ local 'keyring_name=git-secret keyring'
+ local [email protected]
+ _assert_keyring_emails /shared/.gitsecret/keys 'git-secret keyring' [email protected] 1
+ local homedir=/shared/.gitsecret/keys
+ local 'keyring_name=git-secret keyring'
+ local [email protected]
+ local expected=1
+ local gpg_uids
++ _get_users_in_gpg_keyring /shared/.gitsecret/keys
++ local homedir=/shared/.gitsecret/keys
++ local result
++ args=()
++ local args
++ [[ -n /shared/.gitsecret/keys ]]
++ args+=("--homedir" "$homedir")
+++ gpg --homedir /shared/.gitsecret/keys --no-permission-warning --list-public-keys --with-colon --fixed-list-mode
+++ gawk -F: '$1=="uid"'
++ result='uid:-::::1648707594::454A9C7753721D33C846A7FFEDB690FD548BCE5C::John Doe <[email protected]>::::::::::0:'
++ local invalid_lines
+++ echo 'uid:-::::1648707594::454A9C7753721D33C846A7FFEDB690FD548BCE5C::John Doe <[email protected]>::::::::::0:'
+++ gawk -F: '$2=="i" || $2=="d" || $2=="r" || $2=="e" || $2=="n"'
++ invalid_lines=
++ local emails
+++ _extract_emails_from_gpg_output 'uid:-::::1648707594::454A9C7753721D33C846A7FFEDB690FD548BCE5C::John Doe <[email protected]>::::::::::0:'
+++ local 'result=uid:-::::1648707594::454A9C7753721D33C846A7FFEDB690FD548BCE5C::John Doe <[email protected]>::::::::::0:'
+++ local emails
++++ echo 'uid:-::::1648707594::454A9C7753721D33C846A7FFEDB690FD548BCE5C::John Doe <[email protected]>::::::::::0:'
++++ gawk -F: '{print gensub(/.*<(.*)>.*/, "\\1", "g", $10); }'
++++ sed 's/([^)]*)//g'
+++ [email protected]
+++ echo [email protected]
++ [email protected]
++ local emails_with_invalid_keys
+++ _extract_emails_from_gpg_output ''
+++ local result=
+++ local emails
++++ echo ''
++++ gawk -F: '{print gensub(/.*<(.*)>.*/, "\\1", "g", $10); }'++++
sed 's/([^)]*)//g'
+++ emails=
+++ echo ''
++ emails_with_invalid_keys=
++ [[ -n '' ]]
++ echo [email protected]
+ [email protected]
+ for email in "${emails[@]}"
+ [[ [email protected] != *\@* ]]
+ local emails_found=0
+ for uid in $gpg_uids
+ [[ [email protected] == \j\o\h\n\.\d\o\e\@\e\x\a\m\p\l\e\.\c\o\m ]]
+ emails_found=1
+ [[ 1 -eq 1 ]]
+ [[ 1 -eq 0 ]]
+ [[ 1 -gt 1 ]]
+ for email in "${emails[@]}"
+ gpg --homedir /shared/.gitsecret/keys --no-permission-warning --batch --yes --delete-key [email protected]
gpg: can't connect to the agent: IPC connect call failed

Executing the last command with -v for additional debug info yields

root:/var/www/app# gpg -v --homedir /shared/.gitsecret/keys  --no-permission-warning --batch --yes --delete-key [email protected]
gpg: no running gpg-agent - starting '/usr/bin/gpg-agent'
gpg: waiting for the agent to come up ... (5s)
gpg: waiting for the agent to come up ... (4s)
gpg: waiting for the agent to come up ... (3s)
gpg: waiting for the agent to come up ... (2s)
gpg: waiting for the agent to come up ... (1s)
gpg: can't connect to the agent: IPC connect call failed
gpg: using pgp trust model

Running the same thing in /tmp:

root:/tmp# gpg -v --homedir /tmp/.gitsecret/keys --no-permission-warning --batch --yes --delete-key [email protected]
gpg: no running gpg-agent - starting '/usr/bin/gpg-agent'
gpg: waiting for the agent to come up ... (5s)
gpg: connection to agent established
gpg: using pgp trust model

paslandau avatar Mar 31 '22 06:03 paslandau

Short follow up:

I checked the running gpg-agents via ps aux and noticed, that an agent is started for /tmp but not for /shared (after running e.g. git secret tell)

root:/var/www/app# ps aux
    1 root      0:00 sshd: /usr/sbin/sshd -D [listener] 0 of 10-100 startups
 2608 root      0:00 gpg-agent --homedir /tmp/.gitsecret/keys --use-standard-socket --daemon
 2679 root      0:00 ps aux

Killing and restarting it works:

root:/tmp# kill 2608
root:/tmp# gpg-agent --homedir /tmp/.gitsecret/keys --use-standard-socket --daemon
gpg-agent[2704]: WARNING: "--use-standard-socket" is an obsolete option - it has no effect
gpg-agent[2705]: gpg-agent (GnuPG) 2.2.31 started

Trying the same in the /shared folder fails with

root:/shared# gpg-agent --homedir /shared/.gitsecret/keys --use-standard-socket --daemon
gpg-agent[2661]: WARNING: "--use-standard-socket" is an obsolete option - it has no effect
gpg-agent[2661]: error binding socket to '/shared/.gitsecret/keys/S.gpg-agent': I/O error

paslandau avatar Mar 31 '22 06:03 paslandau

I believe I understand the issue now - though I'm not sure if/how this can be solved by git secret, because it requires adding some additional files to the --home-dir of the gpg-agent in order to change the socket location.

Here's my understanding of the issue:

  • gpg needs an gpg-agent for some (?) things
  • the agent is started implicitly through a gpg command somewhere (?) within git-secret
  • the agent uses a socket for communication, which is by default placed in the --home-dir at ./S.gpg-agent
  • because the location is shared with the host system, the socket creation fails (potentially only an issue for Docker Desktop?)

There is unfortunately no easy way to configure the location of the socket (in fact, it's 4 sockets), but one has to create three files in the --home-dir as outlined below.

Note, that i created the empty directory /foo before that is not shared with the host system to have a safe place for the sockets.






extra-socket /foo/S.gpg-agent.extra
browser-socket /foo/S.gpg-agent.browser

See also

Afterwards, all commands work as expected without errors:

root:/shared# git secret tell [email protected]
gpg: key 49393E27EDF49163: public key "John Doe <[email protected]>" imported
gpg: Total number processed: 1
gpg:               imported: 1
git-secret: done. [email protected] added as user(s) who know the secret.
root:/shared# git secret killperson [email protected]
git-secret: removed keys.
git-secret: now [[email protected]] do not have an access to the repository.
git-secret: make sure to hide the existing secrets again.

The big problem that I see here, is that the location of the sockets would have to be "hard-coded" in the repository (i.e. in the git-secret/keys/ folder) - which might break the setup on different systems, e.g. if git-secret set up locally by different developers.

This is okay for "my" use case, because the whole point of setting git-secret up in a docker container is avoiding that every dev in the team has to do it "on their machine" - so I would still be great if there would be some way to support this use case.

Maybe something like git-secret init --gpg-socket-location="/path/to/directory" that would create the corresponding files as mentioned above?

Soo.. any thoughts?

paslandau avatar Mar 31 '22 07:03 paslandau

I'm not exactly clear what your use case is; I can't quite figure out what problem you're trying to solve. What are you trying to accomplish in the alpine VM?

joshrabinowitz avatar Apr 10 '22 14:04 joshrabinowitz

I try to reduce the amount of tools that each individual dev in a team needs to set up locally as much as possible. We use docker to provide the local development infrastructure and I try to set up git-secret and gpg in a container that shares the codebase with the host system. With this setup, everybody can use git-secret "through docker".

I'll release a longer article on the exact setup with a proof of concept next weeks. The corresponding code is already live at (though the build might currently fail due to )

From the article:

To see it in action, check out branch part-6-git-secret-encrypt-repository-docker and run the following commands:

# checkout the branch
git checkout part-6-git-secret-encrypt-repository-docker

# build and start the docker setup
make make-init
make docker-build
make docker-up

# "create" the secret key - the file "secret.gpg.example" would usually NOT live in the repo!
cp secret.gpg.example secret.gpg

# intialize gpg
make gpg-init

# decrypt the secret file
make secret-decrypt

# show the content of the secret file
cat passwords.txt

In the following gif, all commands are run "through docker" (abstracted via make targets), git-secret is not set up on the host machine.


paslandau avatar Apr 10 '22 15:04 paslandau

Please explain your use case much more simply. This feels like an XY problem:

Your example is so removed from the normal case of 'add a user's public key to a git-secret repo's keychain and let them decrypt/encrypt secrets until their key changes or they should no longer have access' that I can't understand how you intend to use git-secret in real life. For example, in your examples above, there is one keypair that can encrypt/decrypt secrets, so it doesn't make sense to me to use 'removeperson' at the end of your example (although it is a great example of how to generate an error, which is valid, and I think we have largely addressed as a permissions issue)

In your target case (not a idealized example), who controls private keys, how many keypairs are you planning on using (generally), where are they stored (generally), who is allowed to decrypt secrets. (Previous paragraph edited for clarity).

Edit: lastly, I love the animated gifs showing your tests, but since I can't easily pause or slow down the animations it's difficult to follow along (also would be best if your examples just used basic commands and git-secret ones instead of a level of abstraction on top of them, but, no big deal).

joshrabinowitz avatar Apr 15 '22 16:04 joshrabinowitz

Hey @joshrabinowitz,

sorry for the late reply and the confusion. Here's where I was coming from (probably helpful for context): I was writing a blog post about using git-secret in a dev team that uses docker to run the application locally. It's now finally published at

In this setup I believe it's quite common to share the codebase on the host system with the docker container that runs the application, so that any changes are reflected immediately. Running the application on docker instead of "locally on the host system" has the big benefit that everybody uses the same infrastructure - no more problems with different PHP versions, missing extensions etc.

Following this logic, I went one step further and also added the tooling for the development process itself directly in the docker container. Tooling being e.g. git-secret, terraform, gcloud-cli, etc. Again: The idea is that a developer does not have to set up tools locally any longer because "everything" can run through docker.

I've also described that in more detail at

=> Does this make more sense?

In your target case (not a idealized example), who controls private keys, how many keypairs are you planning on using (generally), where are they stored (generally), who is allowed to decrypt secrets. (Previous paragraph edited for clarity).

  • Each developer creates/controlles his/her own private key.
    • the private key will be shared with docker and gpg runs inside of docker, using that shared key
  • There will be one key pair per developer
    • the public key of each dev will be added to the codebase and can thus simply be imported by gpg running inside docker
  • Each developer will be allowed to decrypt the secrets
    • because the public key is added to the codebase (see previous item)

I have also added the common workflow scenarios (onboarding a new developer, adding/deleting files, offboarding a dev) under

Edit: lastly, I love the animated gifs showing your tests, but since I can't easily pause or slow down the animations it's difficult to follow along (also would be best if your examples just used basic commands and git-secret ones instead of a level of abstraction on top of them, but, no big deal).

Yeah sorry for that... The second gif was actually part of the tutorial and not meant to be used "standalone". Just had it available and thus added it here. Is it still useful? I hope should clarify any questions - though I do realize it's quite a lot to ask reading a whole article... so let me know if I can clarify anything else directly.

Cheers Pascal

paslandau avatar Apr 25 '22 12:04 paslandau

Hello, @paslandau

Thanks for following up.

You present an unusual use case, but it's an important one perhaps, and you do present a reasonable solution to the problem.

If you submit a PR, we will consider it for inclusion. Alternately it may make sense to release the needed code as a git-secret "external plugin":

joshrabinowitz avatar Jun 06 '22 20:06 joshrabinowitz