Josh Rabinowitz

Results 143 comments of Josh Rabinowitz

Reopening, we should document more about this and/or handle it appriopriately in `.gitignore`

It would be great for someone to make a first pass at defining a long option version of each option we support now. Hint hint to anyone : ]

I suggest we list these articles on and in the docs at

Hello @learsix Good thoughts! We welcome documentation and code patches.

@anno1985 This git repo has detailed documentation for git-secret and all its commands. Feature requests and issues belong here in github issues. Changes to the code happen through PRs. Do...

@anno1985 you can create the PR on this repo! Feel free to submit a PR enhancing the documentation. The man pages are in man/man1 and man/man7 - make your changes...

Another way to approach this is, on distributions where both a version of gnupg1 and gnupg2 are packaged, perform tests across the two available versions of gpg on that system....

this has been open for a while, closing for now

This seems like a major change in how git-secret operates, and will confuse long time users. Also I'm loathe to force use of git filters. `git diff` not being able...