Josh Rabinowitz

Results 143 comments of Josh Rabinowitz

I think it's showing the names of the encrypted files it decrypted. Can you add code to check if the decrypted files are present? Edit: oh I see, the ls...

There is a bug in older versions of `git-secret` that causes `git-secret` not to issue any error in some cases if it's unable to decrypt the secrets. Please try again...

Also, using the verbose `-v` option in the _latest versions of git-secret_ should show details about what is happening with `gnupg` to cause those files not to be decrypted.

This is difficult to debug remotely with so little data. Can you confirm what 'latest version' you're using? Also can you replicate from the command line on your local machine...

it would be helpful to see the output from using `bash -x` to run `git-secret` as described in #594 I also suspect some hints about what's going wrong would show...

You can see the problem here: * All 92 tests pass at first: ... * But if we immediately initializie a git repo in /tmp/ with `(cd /tmp;...

Once we thought #556 closed this, but it had issues and was reverted.

@sobolevn There's lots of gpg commands that still aren't shown in verbose mode, such as in `src/_utils/`, and showing more would make it easier to help people when debugging issues....

This is because git-secret does not understand the concept of one email being associated with multiple keys; this has caused multiple different problems for users. Our proposed solution is for...

By searching on `gnupg "tilde" files` I was able to find this page: [The purpose and origin of the file "pubring.gpg~"]( That page explains that gnupg uses such files as...