Josh Rabinowitz

Results 143 comments of Josh Rabinowitz

@ieugen thank you for this report. Can you please try again with the most recent release of git-secret, 0.2.4? Also, if you know what code change is required to fix...

Hello, @ieugen, @simbo1905 , @sobolevn : What's the right way to handle this? Should we be reading ~/.gpg/gpg-agent.conf to find the correct 'pinentry-program' value?

@sobolevn so are you envisioning a `-nop` option for `git-secret reveal` and `hide` to disable use of gpg's `--pinentry loopback` option? How would you see this looking in practice?

Following up on @sobolevn 's suggestion from Jul 14, 2018: I propose that we support users who need to set `--pinentry` (which this seems to be an example of), by...

`SECRETS_PINENTRY=/path/here` won't work as --pinentry only accepts 'default', 'ask', 'cancel', 'error' and 'loopback'. gpgagent has a --pinentry-program setting, but we don't interact with gpgagent directly in git-secret. I suspect the...

@bennycode feel free to submit a PR continuing on with the existing windows install docs

Ditto for passing passphrase on command line to 'reveal' and 'cat', can we provide/document another way? See and (Edit: fixed links)

Can we use `--passphrase-fd` or `--passphrase-file` as described on page 83 of ? See also Edit: Also see:

ok, we now use a file descriptor to pass the passphrase from `git-secret` to `gnupg`. I think all that remains of this ticket is to discourage people from using the...