Josh Rabinowitz

Results 143 comments of Josh Rabinowitz

closing because this cannot be work as expected using steps indicated by OP. See #903 for better bug report about using `reval` in repo subdirectories, and #905 for a fix...

@bigpresh This just hit me when using DBIx::Class on an existing dbh inside Dancer - I worked around by creating a second dbh connection (which I'm not enamored with, because...

I experimented with a solution for this in PR #88

Clearly fetching this data could require a potentially slow sql query and/or one with a large result set. Perhaps there could be a optional config option (say, 'foreign_field_value_enums' or the...

I see what this is about. I've worked up a branch to illustrate this: The issue is if you have interfaces like this: ```` simple_crud( record_title=>'thing', prefix=> '/things', db_table=>'things',...

Should we consider putting D:P:SimpleCRUD into maint mode and porting this to D2:P:SimpleCRUD?

@gpadres @matzino I believe it is complaining about a secret key in the gpg keyring associated with your git-secret repo, not your personal keyring. (The git-secret keyring shouldnt contain any...

Also you show gpg complaining that you cannot connect to the gpg-agent which may indicate another type of error.

@gpadres what command were you using to try to remove the private key from your repos key ring?

Hey @sobolevn do you think this fixes #916 ?