Jon Atack

Results 159 comments of Jon Atack

> If multiple networks can be easily ran in parallel - color blindness should be considered and an effort should be made so the UIs are distinguishable by people that...

Concept ACK, thanks for tackling this. Will review/test shortly. Edit: initial testing looks good.

In terms of number of combinations, there may be Bitcoin Core support for additional BIP155 networks in the future.

The Direction column needs to be right before the Type column because Direction and Type are the two aspects of the current connection type naming, e.g. Outbound Full Relay, etc....

Concept ACK if I'm understanding from the earlier PR. Suggest describing what it does and the use case (what and why) in the pull description.

```shell ~/quicklisp/local-projects/rove ((HEAD detached at ca5bf91))$ ecl To load "cl-kraken": Load 1 ASDF system: cl-kraken ; Loading "cl-kraken" ......................... ECL (Embeddable Common-Lisp) 16.1.3 CL-USER[1]> (rove:run :cl-kraken/tests/time) Testing System cl-kraken/tests/time ;;...

So, it looks like LET no longer works within Rove tests using ECL in the case of nested LETs or after the first test reference to the local variable, e.g....

Examples (red used to work but is now broken, green is the workaround): ```diff (deftest unix-time-in-microseconds - (let ((time (cl-kraken/src/time:unix-time-in-microseconds))) - (testing "is an integer" - (ok (integerp time))) -...

Note that this has been an issue with ECL only. SBCL, CCL, CLISP, and ABCL are all unaffected.

If helpful, this (very simple) library uses rove with pretty much full coverage, and the readme describes how to run the test suite in various ways.