Jose Luis Blanco-Claraco

Results 135 comments of Jose Luis Blanco-Claraco

The port to pybind11 was finished a few weeks ago so this bug is now obsolete.

The package python3-pymrpt is finally available, yay!

I know this comes late.... but my intuition tells me that the flicker may come from the usage of the shared_ptr: nanoflann does *not* make a copy of the data...

I totally love your changes and how you approached it :+1: I checked it with valgrind and gcc sanitizer and both are happy, so I am. Well, actually `valgrind --tool=helgrind...

Closing, this feature was already merged and is released in the latest v1.5.0

Thanks for the benchmarking, @Mintpasokon !! If you feel like that, it would be great if you wanted to do a Pull Request to contribute your benchmark to the [nanoflann...

@dokempf Probably worth investigating an alternative implementation for such larger datasets with `T` threads: 1) Split the input dataset in T clusters (to exploit locality of data, just split into...

PS: @dokempf if your data is not too sparse as to memory to become a game stopper, you could try a grid-based representation instead, e.g. here [I have an implementation](

Thanks for the pointer! I'll try to craft something around that function... > , have you tested other stdint types? sure, the same happen for examples for `uint8_t` which gets...