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Gin is a HTTP web framework written in Go (Golang). It features a Martini-like API with much better performance -- up to 40 times faster. If you need smashing performance, get yourself some Gin.

Results 456 gin issues
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Enhanced user-friendliness by opening link in terminal

## Description [context.HTML()]( has the signature (code int, name string, obj any) However, with the rise of [htmx](, partial rendering is desirable. With the current signature of context.HTML this isn't...

## Description So I'm testing my edit functionality, when I got the error I mentioned above. IIRC, that feature was already working properly before, but I might have made some...

``` // trace info type TraceInfo struct{ Id_ bson.ObjectId `form:"_id" json:"_id" bson:"_id"` Search SearchInfo `form:"search" json:"search" bson:"search"` } // search type SearchInfo struct{ Text string `form:"text" json:"text" bson:"text"` ResultQty string...

- With issues: - Use the search tool before opening a new issue. - Please provide source code and commit sha if you found a bug. - Review existing issues...

its not working properly now. When I added form:"-" to my field, the field is still being assigned a value regardless of whether I use Bind or ShouldBind. go 1.21...

## Description I'm trying to use gin to build a k8s restapi service,but it seems that there is something wrong with gin’s routing function. ## Details I have defined the...

build command: go build -v -tags=jsoniter -o elst-primary-api2 main.go will cause this error but: go build -v -o elst-primary-api2 withoud -tags=jsoniter will not cause this error env: - go 1.18...

## Environment v1.9.1 windows ## Description I want to enter the gin framework in the request parameters, binding parameters can customize some operations, such as html escape, to avoid...