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Gin is a HTTP web framework written in Go (Golang). It features a Martini-like API with much better performance -- up to 40 times faster. If you need smashing performance, get yourself some Gin.

Results 472 gin issues
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## Description When header tags are added to a struct member for gin to use in `BindHeader`, they will be case-sensitive in the code. The `Bind` function for headers in...

Hi, I'm having a problem trying to define different middleware for different routes, please let me know if my understanding is correct and whether this behaviour is supported by the...

## Description When unit testing a HTTP redirect, the result will always be a panic. ## How to reproduce ``` package main import ( "" ) func Something(c *gin.Context) {...

## Description + [HTTP CONNECT] is the most common form of HTTP tunneling is the standard. In this mechanism, the client asks an HTTP proxy server to forward the TCP...

- With issues: - Use the search tool before opening a new issue. - Please provide source code and commit sha if you found a bug. - Review existing issues...

- With issues: - Use the search tool before opening a new issue. - Please provide source code and commit sha if you found a bug. - Review existing issues...

Bumps []( from 1.9.1 to 1.10.2. Release notes Sourced from's releases. v1.10.2 Bugfix #521 use int64 for MaxInt48 to compile in x86 arch #530 unnecessary ptr check json.Unmarshaler #531...


We are a research team dedicated to Golang, have discovered that CVE-2020-28483 was addressed in commit 5929d521715610c9dd14898ebbe1d188d5de8937. However, upon analyzing the commit, we observed that the patch version (v1.7.7) was...

## Description When I use Bind to parse a parameter with an error, c.JSON responds to the data without a Content-Type. It is possible to work with ShouldBind... If ShouldBind...

First of all, thank you for creating a very useful framework !! Recently, I found out that the gin framework cannot load template with embed.FS type and I have solved...